Senin, 26 Desember 2011


Hello  guys,, :D
next is definition for invitation..
Invitation is a person request to go to a place. Competence of invitation is encompass all the methods extending, accepting, and declining an invitation.

    *            To Invite someone :
                           *            I would like you to . . .
                           *            We would be pleased if you could . . . .
                           *            Shall we . . . ?
                           *            Would you like to . . . . ?

    *            To Accept an Invitation :
                            *            Thank you. Yes, I would like to . . .
                            *            Yes, I would. Thanks.
                            *            That would be very nice. Thank you.
                            *            All right !
                            *            O.K !

    *            To refuse / decline an invitation :
                            *            I would love to, but . . .
                            *            That’s very kind of you, but . . .
                            *            Sorry , that wouldn’t be possible. Thanks anyway.
                            *            That’s nice / great. Unfortunately / howefer.

    *            To give something to someone :
                            *            I’d like to give you . . .
                            *            Here’s (are) the . . . / your . . .
                            *            Allow me present you with . . .
                            *            Please accept . . .  ( formal )

    *            To offer help :
                            *            Would you like any help ?
                            *            May /can I help you  ?
                            *            Would you like me to . . . ?
                            *            Do youwant me to . . . ?
                            *            If you like, I could . . .
                            *            Let me do it for you.

    *            To accept someone’s help :
                            *            Yes, please.
                            *            That would be lovely.
                            *            If you don’t mind.

    *            To refuse other’s help :
                            *            No, thanks.
                            *            No, it’s all right.
                            *            Thanks you for you offering, but . . .

^Example ^ :

Please join with us..
“Jesica’s 15th Birthday Party”
Saturday, April 16th 2011 at 07.00 PM
123 streer USA 12345
RSVP : Dee 123-456-7890

Dialog :

Rika   : Jen, will you come to my Garden Party this evening ?
Jejen  : Sure, I will.
Rika   : Oke, then. I’ll wait for you . . .

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