Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

XVII. Prepositional Phrase

         A prepositional phrase is a preposition an the noun following it. The prepositional is in the head position, and the noun is in the complement position.
         Please note that preposition are words such as in, from, to, etc. Used before a noun or pronoun to show a place, a position, time ora method.

:) Example :
- The man is from Indonesia.
- We will discuss the mater after breakfast.
- He put the pen on the bag.

* Prepositional phrase can be made of single word, two words, or three words.
* The structure of a prepositional is a prepositional followed by optimal
   modifiers and either nouns, pronouns or gerund.

=) A prepositional phrase consist of two parts :
    - nunely a preposition
    - object of preposition

      The object of the prepositions will often have one or modifiers to desribe it. These are the pattens for a prepostional phrase :

             Preposition + noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause

      Preposition + modifier (s) + noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause.

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